The Best Anti-Aging Beauty Foods

March 16, 2019 By Sarah White No Comments

You’ve likely already heard the adage “true beauty comes from within”. While a graceful spirit is the true source of real and powerful beauty, you can further improve your appearance from within through the foods you eat.  It’s entirely possible to erase years from your face simply by changing your diet – I know this because I’ve seen significant transformations over and over again in my patients. The state of your skin is a clear indication of how you treat your body, and my patients start looking younger and glowing almost immediately after replacing processed junk with wrinkle-fighting super foods. The following anti-aging foods are packed with essential beauty nutrients that nourish healthy skin, hair and nails from the inside out.

  • Organic Soy – up to 4 servings/week: In a recent study 30 women were given soy isoflavones for 3 months. Skin punch tests were then performed before and after measured epidermal thickness, wrinkling and amount of elastic and collagen fibers in the skin. The results showed a significant increase in all categories of skin health.
    • Food sources: tempeh, organic tofu, miso, organic edamame beans
  • Vitamin C: Collagen production declines as we age causing wrinkles and loose skin. Vitamin C is a vital molecule for skin health and helps prevent and treat ultraviolet (UV)-induced skin damage & wrinkles by encouraging collagen production.
    • Food sources: orange, lime & lemon (as if you need yet another reason to finally start drinking warm lemon water in the mornings), papaya, strawberries, kiwifruit, cantaloupe, & raspberries
  • Bone broth – 1 cup daily: bone broth is the ideal anti-aging food packed with collagen (the protein responsible for building strong & youthful skin), glycine (known as the ‘anti-aging amino acid – glycine is crucial for forming connective tissue in the skin) & anti-aging minerals (phosphorus, calcium & magnesium).
  • Red wine – maximum 4 glasses weekly: Alcohol creates toxins in the body that are ageing to the skin, but if you are going to indulge anyway make sure it’s a glass of dry red wine. Red grape skins are full of antioxidants and natural anti-inflammatory compounds and new studies are showing that red wine can actually slow down the aging process.
  • Avocado – ½ fruit daily: Avocados are high in vitamin E and a rich source of the skin-protective antioxidants that are essential for glowing skin and shiny hair. These wonderful fruits also have a high folate content, which is important for skin cell regeneration and can result in a more youthful complexion.
  • Hemp seeds – 2 tbs daily: Hemp seed contain significant amounts of omega-6 fatty acid GLA (known for its anti-inflammatory properties) and vitamin E; which is one of the only nutrients that has been proven to decrease the effect of the sun on the skin and prevent future damage.
  • Blueberries – ½ cup daily: 1 serving of this simple super food provides antioxidants that fight free radicals that contribute to wrinkles & sun damage.
  • Brazil nuts – 3 nuts daily: Brazil nuts are nature’s richest source of selenium, a powerful mineral that aids in the production of your body’s main antioxidant glutathione. This mineral repairs cell damage and slows down the skin’s aging process.

To connect with a Naturopath Dr. Sarah in Oakville to discuss your anti-aging health goals book your appointment here.

Dr. Sarah White | Naturopathic Doctor


Dr. Sarah White is a Naturopathic Doctor, Integrative health expert and the founder + CEO of This Doctor’s Kitchen — your evidence-based resource for all things health and wellness. Dr. Sarah takes a food-first approach to health with a focus in fertility, longevity and natural beauty. She is recognized as an expert in women’s hormones, thyroid health and anti-aging. Dr. Sarah is a published health author with features in Elle Canada, Best Health, EcoParent & Whole Family magazine.