Your Healthy(er) Holiday Cocktail Guide

December 8, 2017 By Sarah White No Comments

The holidays are a time to let loose, a time when we discard our normal health ‘rules’ and totally overindulge. This time of year typically brings temptation in the form of sugar cookies, eggnog and overspending – which can affect everything from your mood to your waistline. While I don’t tend to stray far from my usual gluten-free/dairy-free/refined sugar-free diet, I do end up drinking way more alcohol than I normally would. It’s just such a lovely time of year to cuddle up with in front of a fireplace with a hot toddy or glass of single malt, but waking up with a nasty hangover the next morning seriously dampens my holiday spirit. Fortunately, you can lessen the likelihood of waking up with a hangover this holiday season by choosing your boozy beverages wisely. As my holiday gift to you I’ve paired up with Fashion Magazine to help you make the healthiest choices at your upcoming holiday parties. Follow the link below to discover the top ten festive alcoholic drinks (ranking from worst to best) when it comes to avoiding a holiday hangover: 

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Dr. Sarah White | Naturopathic Doctor


Dr. Sarah White is a Naturopathic Doctor, Integrative health expert and the founder + CEO of This Doctor’s Kitchen — your evidence-based resource for all things health and wellness. Dr. Sarah takes a food-first approach to health with a focus in fertility, longevity and natural beauty. She is recognized as an expert in women’s hormones, thyroid health and anti-aging. Dr. Sarah is a published health author with features in Elle Canada, Best Health, EcoParent & Whole Family magazine.